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Fuzzy based Effort Estimation Approach

by Vishal Chandra, Savita Shiwani
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 103 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2014
Authors: Vishal Chandra, Savita Shiwani

Vishal Chandra, Savita Shiwani . Fuzzy based Effort Estimation Approach. International Journal of Computer Applications. 103, 17 ( October 2014), 39-42. DOI=10.5120/18305-9438

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Besides of these there are many equation based effort estimation techniques like Halstead Model, Bailey-Basil Model, and Walston-Felix Model. Cost and effort estimation are the major concern of any software industry. They are identified with the help of Kilo Line Code (KLOC) which denotes number of, line of code in software. For example if a software contain 2000 lines then it has 2 kilo line of code. There are several ways to estimate it with various pros and cons. We can categorize them in two parts, one is model based and another is equation based estimation technique. In this paper a KLOC formula is proposed that is based on effort equation which is integrated with fuzzy logic to estimate effort. These components are cumulative, vague and fuzzy easily handles them as well. Various fuzzy membership functions are used in this paper. One of the most popular model, based upon estimation technique is COCOMO and its variants, which is highly used in the industry, along with the other variants such as neuro fuzzy approach, fuzzy approach, and cost driver based estimations. There are huge differences between Model Based and Equation Based effort estimation techniques, model based built on specific model, like architecture & available resources whereas equation based techniques follows some back- ground equations.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Equation based fuzzy logic cumulative experience effort estimation membership functions KLOC