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Shape Extraction Methods for Fruits: Technical Review

by Divya Kakadiya, Munika Patel, Chandres Kachariya, Nirali Shah, Riya Shah, Krunal Sukhwani
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 111 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Divya Kakadiya, Munika Patel, Chandres Kachariya, Nirali Shah, Riya Shah, Krunal Sukhwani

Divya Kakadiya, Munika Patel, Chandres Kachariya, Nirali Shah, Riya Shah, Krunal Sukhwani . Shape Extraction Methods for Fruits: Technical Review. International Journal of Computer Applications. 111, 1 ( February 2015), 43-48. DOI=10.5120/19506-1108

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Fruit categorizations in agriculture industry have upgraded from traditional grading to automatic grading over the past 25 years. To identify object residing in image, the image has to be described or represented by certain features. Shape is an important visual feature of an image. Shape extraction has attracted much attention lately. Many shape representation and description techniques are discuss in this review paper. Shape extraction techniques play an important role in systems for object recognition, matching, extracting, and analysis. It also presents comparison between various techniques.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Shape Extraction Object recognition Shape Object Extraction shape representation