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Reseach Article

Image Compression using HAAR Wavelet Transform and Discrete Cosine Transform

by Khushpreet Kaur, Sheenam Malhotra
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 125 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2015
Authors: Khushpreet Kaur, Sheenam Malhotra

Khushpreet Kaur, Sheenam Malhotra . Image Compression using HAAR Wavelet Transform and Discrete Cosine Transform. International Journal of Computer Applications. 125, 11 ( September 2015), 28-31. DOI=10.5120/ijca2015906141

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The main objective of the method is to provide the interesting part of the medical image on which different treatements are to be implemented. In medical image when some portion of image is to be selected, then ROI is selected with the help of Discrete Cosine Transform. It is used with the ROI technique to compress the medical image to remove the blocking effect. The different filters will be applied to the images. The aim of this method is to analyze the results using MATLAB software and calculate various parameters such as CR, entropy, bits per pixel, PSNR, MSE, to compress the ROI part of the color images without losing any contents of the images and to maintain the storage memory space. Imaging helps a lot to represent the internal problem of body in visual manner. Various medical diagnosing techniques are using digital images of human body as the deciding factors for next medical treatment. The new techniques are enhanced to compress the medical image so that the problems encountered in the previous study can be solved.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Entropy PSNR MSE Haar Wavelet Transform Discrete Cosine Transform Region of Interest.