International Journal of Computer Applications |
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA |
Volume 185 - Number 45 |
Year of Publication: 2023 |
Authors: Helga Raditia Ade Wijayanto, Arief Hermawan |
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Helga Raditia Ade Wijayanto, Arief Hermawan . Question Answering Temanggung City Tourism using a Natural Language Processing Approach. International Journal of Computer Applications. 185, 45 ( Nov 2023), 29-33. DOI=10.5120/ijca2023923265
Tourism is a valuable aspect for a region, and the more visitors it attracts, the more it can advance the walfare of the local community around tourist attractions. Temanggung regency has numerous tourist attractions, and the ease of searching and finding information is supported by the presence of search engines like Google, Yahoo, and others. However, not all information can be easly found, especially highly specific information, such as tourism related details. One way to address this issue is by leverging Natural Language Processing technology, particular a Question Answering System that enables computers to understand the intended meaning of user queries. This research develops a simple Question Answering System. The Preprocessing techniques employed include tokenization, lemmatization, and normalization. The outcome of the system is that it can answer questions inputted by the user if there are relevant keywords related to the desired tourism destinations.