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Reseach Article

An approach to Construct the Fuzzy Data Mart using Soft Computing

by A. Prema, A. Pethalakshmi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 58 - Number 20
Year of Publication: 2012
Authors: A. Prema, A. Pethalakshmi

A. Prema, A. Pethalakshmi . An approach to Construct the Fuzzy Data Mart using Soft Computing. International Journal of Computer Applications. 58, 20 ( November 2012), 29-32. DOI=10.5120/9399-3580

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title = { An approach to Construct the Fuzzy Data Mart using Soft Computing },
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%T An approach to Construct the Fuzzy Data Mart using Soft Computing
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Data Mart is emerging as one of the hottest areas of growth in global business and the critical components and tool for business intelligence. A data mart is a local data warehouse used for storing business oriented information for future analysis and decision-making. In business scenarios, where some of the data are fuzzy, it may be effective to construct a warehouse that can strengthen the analysis of fuzzy data. This paper presents a Fuzzy Data Mart model that imparts the exile interface to the users and also extends the DWs for storing and managing the fuzzy data along with the crisp data records. We have proposed, an algorithm to design data mart, which improves the decision making processes. To do so, we use Extraction, Transformation and Load (ETL) tools for better performance. In addition to that, the membership function of fuzzy is used for summarization.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Data Mart Data repository ETL Fuzzy logic aggregation summarization and decision making