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An Efficient Method based on Lexical Chains for Automatic Text Summarization

by Shweta Saxena, Akash Saxena
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 144 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2016
Authors: Shweta Saxena, Akash Saxena

Shweta Saxena, Akash Saxena . An Efficient Method based on Lexical Chains for Automatic Text Summarization. International Journal of Computer Applications. 144, 1 ( Jun 2016), 47-52. DOI=10.5120/ijca2016910104

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Automatic Text Summarization is an interesting topic for research. Still it is growing on. Increment of the data is exponentially growing on and it becomes too much difficult to find out the correct or relevant data in huge amount of data. So it becomes important for researchers to use it for efficient retrieval of information. Hence Text Summarization plays an important role for this problem. Summarization gives the short version for the text document which contains the main context of the document. Summarization can be classified into two categories: Extractive and Abstractive. This paper presents the extractive summary using lexical chaining approach. Lexical chains are created by using Knowledge based database i.e. Wordnet. This paper compares results with the traditional methods and gives better results.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Extractive Summarization Lexical chains Semantic relations Text Summarization (TS) Wordnet.