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An Appraisal of Web Applications vs. Web Services with respect to Performance Engineering using Software Performance Engineering Approach

by Ch. Ram Mohan Reddy, D. Evangelin Geetha, T. V. Suresh Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 158 - Number 4
Year of Publication: 2017
Authors: Ch. Ram Mohan Reddy, D. Evangelin Geetha, T. V. Suresh Kumar

Ch. Ram Mohan Reddy, D. Evangelin Geetha, T. V. Suresh Kumar . An Appraisal of Web Applications vs. Web Services with respect to Performance Engineering using Software Performance Engineering Approach. International Journal of Computer Applications. 158, 4 ( Jan 2017), 20-31. DOI=10.5120/ijca2017912779

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%A D. Evangelin Geetha
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%T An Appraisal of Web Applications vs. Web Services with respect to Performance Engineering using Software Performance Engineering Approach
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Web Applications (WA) and Web Services (WS) are emerging as predominating technologies ineffectively usefulness in distributed/service oriented systems. These systems present the challenges for achieving the quality of service (QoS). The Quality of Service can be measured by how well the systems are responding to the customers. The performance of these systems from the user point of view is to be estimated, and appropriate measures have to be taken if the objectives are not being met. At the foremost, a feasibility study needs to be done and correlated to technical and environmental factors. The present paper explains how to consider these factors in assessing the performance of different categories of WA vs. WS. It is illustrated by modeling deployment diagram for web application and web services and also by presenting macro and micro flow diagrams.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Web Services Web Applications Technical Factors UML Software Performance Engineering