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A Comparative Study of Deep Learning based Image Classification Models for Material Classification

by Atharva Ajay Gokhale
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 17
Year of Publication: 2021
Authors: Atharva Ajay Gokhale

Atharva Ajay Gokhale . A Comparative Study of Deep Learning based Image Classification Models for Material Classification. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 17 ( Jul 2021), 30-34. DOI=10.5120/ijca2021921518

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title = { A Comparative Study of Deep Learning based Image Classification Models for Material Classification },
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year = { 2021 },
issn = { 0975-8887 },
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There are many instances in multiple fields where multiple objects are being used together and each of which can be composed of different materials. Hence the identification of these objects and their classification based on the material of which they are built is required. Due to recent developments in the field of Computer Vision and with the advent of multiple image classification technologies, it has enabled modern computer systems to play a role in this classification and identification process. A computer-based system making use of machine learning or deep learning models can be trained to differentiate between and hence classify objects into one of the multiple categories of materials under consideration. This can mainly be done in scenarios where objects of different materials are needed to be separated from one another in order to give further separate treatment to each one of them. A number of image classification models and algorithms can be used for such types of use cases by predetermining the classes to be considered where each class can correspond to a unique kind of material. The models trained for these purposes can be used to predict the class pertaining to a material when an image of an object is given as input to it for identification. Further, in order to make the models or the learning algorithm more robust, the number of classes can be increased in order to cover a greater number of different types of materials. Following this, one can also compare among similar image classification models that can be used for the mentioned use case scenario in order to gain insights for determining the best model for the said purpose among a variety of models. Hence, this paper aims towards giving insights for the determination of a better model by considering a comparison or a comparative study of three different image classification models which are based on neural networks.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Material classification Transfer Learning VGG16 ResNet50 Inception v3 Images’ dataset Keras