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Development of Integrated System and Synchronization of Data Study Program with Higher Education’s External Quality Assurance System

by Antonius P.G Manginsela, Marike A.S. Kondoj, Maksy Sendiang, Muhammad K. Bakary
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 183 - Number 52
Year of Publication: 2022
Authors: Antonius P.G Manginsela, Marike A.S. Kondoj, Maksy Sendiang, Muhammad K. Bakary

Antonius P.G Manginsela, Marike A.S. Kondoj, Maksy Sendiang, Muhammad K. Bakary . Development of Integrated System and Synchronization of Data Study Program with Higher Education’s External Quality Assurance System. International Journal of Computer Applications. 183, 52 ( Feb 2022), 28-33. DOI=10.5120/ijca2022921940

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The study program as a business process implementing unit of a university is an indicator of the success of the process and the output of the higher education institution. A good data management of the tri-dharma are processe and integrated with the needs of external parties is very important in improving the quality of processes and products/graduates which will lead to increased satisfaction and trust from the stakeholders. The internal and external quality assurance mechanisms of higher education carried out by utilizing information technology are expected to provide a competitive advantage due to efficiency and effectiveness in various levels of the tri-dharma namely education, research, and community service. It is necessary to align the strategic objectives of the organization with the determination of information needs. Analysis and development of information systems by business strategy is required for the implementation of information technology in the quality assurance mechanism which is carried out by the quality control team daily. So that the output of information from the information system can be presented for the needs of monitoring and evaluating study program coordinator at the department to the institutional level. Therefore, it can better prepare institutions to face external quality assurance mechanisms such as accreditation with the availability of real-time and well-organized data and information. For this reason, the need for synchronization and integration between internal and external applications is very important. Interoperability problems between internal systems and external systems can be overcome by implementing Service Oriented Architecture and web services. So that the use of information technology that has the advantages of efficiency and effectiveness can be carried out to support the activities of the Quality Control Team to determine, monitor, evaluate, control, and improve every process and output in higher education.

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Computer Science
Information Sciences


Synchronization quality control higher education