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Reseach Article

Tabu Search based Association Rule Hiding

by S.Vijayarani, Dr. A.Tamilarasi, R.SeethaLakshmi
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 19 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: S.Vijayarani, Dr. A.Tamilarasi, R.SeethaLakshmi

S.Vijayarani, Dr. A.Tamilarasi, R.SeethaLakshmi . Tabu Search based Association Rule Hiding. International Journal of Computer Applications. 19, 1 ( April 2011), 12-18. DOI=10.5120/2327-3023

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Data mining algorithms are used for extracting the hidden knowledge from the large databases. Privacy preserving data mining is a new research area in the field of data mining which mainly deals with the side effects of the data mining techniques. The term privacy is denotes the individual’s information should be protected. Nowadays, privacy protection has turn out to be an essential issue in data mining research. A primary constraint of privacy-preserving data mining is to prevent the sensitive knowledge extraction by protecting the input data, yet still allow the data miners to pull out the useful knowledge models. Hiding sensitive association rule is an important research problem in privacy preserving data mining. Sensitive association rules are protected by modifying the sensitive items in the original data set. In this research work, tabu search optimization technique is used for modifying the sensitive items for hiding the sensitive association rules.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Privacy Association Rule Sensitive item Modification Tabu search