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Reseach Article

Fake Iris Detection: A Holistic Approach

by Rajesh Bodade, Sanjay Talbar
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 19 - Number 2
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Rajesh Bodade, Sanjay Talbar

Rajesh Bodade, Sanjay Talbar . Fake Iris Detection: A Holistic Approach. International Journal of Computer Applications. 19, 2 ( April 2011), 1-7. DOI=10.5120/2337-3047

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There is tremendous interest in improved methods of reliable and secure identification of people using biometrics. Although, iris is believed to allow very high accuracy, various experiments showed an alarming lack of anti-spoofing mechanisms in devices already protecting many sensitive areas all over the world. This enforces the need for aliveness detection methodology to be quickly introduced. In this paper, all possible types of fake iris has been identified. Previously published work in this field had concentrated only either on active or passive methods for fake iris detection. This has visible shortcomings of detecting only specific types of fake irises corresponding to each method and not of all kinds. This paper proposes a composite method, with promising results, to overcome the shortcomings of existing methods. The FAR and FRR values of the proposed method on realistic database of 160 images are 0.625% and 0.625% respectively. A notable achievement of this work is development of robust iris segmentation algorithm having inherent capability of fake iris detection.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Fake iris detection anti-spoofing techniques of iris dynamic iris segmentation liveliness detection types of fake irises fake resistive iris recognition