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Improvement in Capacity and Efficiency of Network Storage by Configuring Hard Disk Drives on Nodes of a LAN

by K.N.Honwadkar, T.R.Sontakke
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 19 - Number 3
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: K.N.Honwadkar, T.R.Sontakke

K.N.Honwadkar, T.R.Sontakke . Improvement in Capacity and Efficiency of Network Storage by Configuring Hard Disk Drives on Nodes of a LAN. International Journal of Computer Applications. 19, 3 ( April 2011), 15-21. DOI=10.5120/2343-3063

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Storage on Network has, always, been a key feature of the success of the network design. Various methods are in practice. Two techniques are suggested in this paper. Disk Clustering and a technique to have Uniform namespace KINDFS is a distributed file storage system designed to provide cost-effective storage service utilizing idle disk space on workstation clusters. The system responsibilities are evenly distributed across a group of collaborating workstations; the proposed architecture provides improved performance, reliability and scalability. Workstation uptime data varies from system to system. KINDFS prototype implementation and measurement of its performance is suggested. Preliminary results indicate that KINDFS performance is comparable to that of commonly used distributed file systems, such as NFS, Samba and Windows 2000 Server.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Distributed file system metadata SAN NAS NFS