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Reseach Article

Precision in Rapid Application Development and Reusability of Software Components for Greater Performance using Ranking Mechanism

by P.K. Suri, Sandeep Kumar, Gurdev Singh
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 35 - Number 8
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: P.K. Suri, Sandeep Kumar, Gurdev Singh

P.K. Suri, Sandeep Kumar, Gurdev Singh . Precision in Rapid Application Development and Reusability of Software Components for Greater Performance using Ranking Mechanism. International Journal of Computer Applications. 35, 8 ( December 2011), 21-27. DOI=10.5120/4421-6144

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Software component is a cohesive software module that contains the semantically related functionality. The term “use component anywhere” is not that true as it seems to be. The important thing is that for using the components, there should be a well-defined framework where they will be used. The convention is exactly the same as that of IC (integrated chip) socket on a circuit board and IC development. During IC development, its socket-board environment is always considered. In a component based environment, the component pool contains the software components that are operational in different types of frameworks or environments. There is a need for a mechanism, which can rank the appropriateness of a Component in terms of its properties and its capability to operate in different environments. This paper proposes one such system model, which helps in selecting best appropriate component for an environment. As the component’s usability increases, it is profiled by the proposed model. This profiling provides the indicators about its best suitability for different frameworks and operating environments.

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Software Component RAD Component Ranking Component Attribute System (CAS)