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Privacy-Preserving and Public Auditing for Cloud Storage Applying Regeneration-Code-based using RSA Algorithm

Published on May 2016 by Pooja K. Patil, Reshma Anil Bhailume, Dipali Arun Ware, Sayali Avinash Inamdar, Sushma Bhagawat Waghmare
National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology
Foundation of Computer Science USA
NCACIT2016 - Number 5
May 2016
Authors: Pooja K. Patil, Reshma Anil Bhailume, Dipali Arun Ware, Sayali Avinash Inamdar, Sushma Bhagawat Waghmare

Pooja K. Patil, Reshma Anil Bhailume, Dipali Arun Ware, Sayali Avinash Inamdar, Sushma Bhagawat Waghmare . Privacy-Preserving and Public Auditing for Cloud Storage Applying Regeneration-Code-based using RSA Algorithm. National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology. NCACIT2016, 5 (May 2016), 1-3.

author = { Pooja K. Patil, Reshma Anil Bhailume, Dipali Arun Ware, Sayali Avinash Inamdar, Sushma Bhagawat Waghmare },
title = { Privacy-Preserving and Public Auditing for Cloud Storage Applying Regeneration-Code-based using RSA Algorithm },
journal = { National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology },
issue_date = { May 2016 },
volume = { NCACIT2016 },
number = { 5 },
month = { May },
year = { 2016 },
issn = 0975-8887,
pages = { 1-3 },
numpages = 3,
url = { /proceedings/ncacit2016/number5/24723-3075/ },
publisher = {Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA},
address = {New York, USA}
%0 Proceeding Article
%1 National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology
%A Pooja K. Patil
%A Reshma Anil Bhailume
%A Dipali Arun Ware
%A Sayali Avinash Inamdar
%A Sushma Bhagawat Waghmare
%T Privacy-Preserving and Public Auditing for Cloud Storage Applying Regeneration-Code-based using RSA Algorithm
%J National Conference on Advancements in Computer & Information Technology
%@ 0975-8887
%N 5
%P 1-3
%D 2016
%I International Journal of Computer Applications

The cloud has measure issues of bulk data storage, outsourced data corruptions, fault tolerance together with data integrity check and failure reparation. Another problem is that user need to always stay online for the purpose of continuous auditing of his own data which is not practically possible, especially for long-term archival storage. This might result in data owner's loss of ultimate control over the fate of their outsourced data [1]. Thus, the correctness, accessibility and reliability of the data are being put at risk. To solve the above problem of failed auditing in the absence of data owners, system introduce a proxy server, which is privileged to regenerate the authenticators, into the traditional public auditing system. This arrangement helps to outsource the burden of continuous online availability of user for auditing purpose to proxy server. In addition to this systems introduce regenerating-code-based cloud storage to handle the problem of data integrity check and failure reparation.

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  8. Kan Yang, Student Member, IEEE, and Xiaohua Jia, Fellow, IEEE, An Efficient and Secure Dynamic Auditing Protocol for Data Storage in Cloud Computing.
  9. Yunghsiang S. Han, Fellow, IEEE, Hung-Ta Pai, Senior Member, IEEE, Efficient Exact Regenerating Codes for Byzantine Fault Tolerance in Distributed Networked Storage.
  10. Boyang Wang, Student Member, IEEE, Baochun Li, Oruta: Privacy-Preserving Public Auditing For Shared Data in the Cloud.
  11. Chao Tian, Senior Member, IEEE, Characterizing the Rate Region of the (4, 3, 3) Exact-Repair Regenerating Codes.
  12. S. Nancy Priya1, D. Elavarasi, Remote resource maintenance with data integrity based on code regeneration scheme.
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  14. Henry C. H. Chen and Patrick P. C. Lee, Enabling Data Integrity Protection in Regenerating- Coding- Based Cloud Storage: Theory and Implementation.
  15. Onur Ozan Koyluoglu, Member, IEEE, Ankit Singh RawatSecure Cooperative Regenerating Codes for Distributed StorageSystems.
Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


Cloud Storage Regenerating Codes Public Audit Privacy Preserving Authenticator Regeneration Proxy Privileged Provable Secure.