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An Authentication Mechanism to prevent SQL Injection Attacks

by Indrani Balasundaram, E. Ramaraj
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 19 - Number 1
Year of Publication: 2011
Authors: Indrani Balasundaram, E. Ramaraj

Indrani Balasundaram, E. Ramaraj . An Authentication Mechanism to prevent SQL Injection Attacks. International Journal of Computer Applications. 19, 1 ( April 2011), 30-33. DOI=10.5120/2324-3013

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SQL Injection attacks target databases that are accessible through a web front-end, and take advantage of flaws in the input validation logic of Web components such as CGI scripts.In the last few months application-level vulnerabilities have been exploited with serious consequences by the hackers have tricked e-commerce sites into shipping goods for no charge, usernames and passwords have been harvested and confidential information such as addresses and credit-card numbers has been leaked. The reason for this occurrence is that web applications and detection systems do not know the attacks thoroughly and use limited sets of attack patterns during evaluation. SQL Injection attacks can be easily prevented by applying more secure authentication schemes in login phase itself. To address this problem, this paper presents an authentication scheme for preventing SQL Injection attack using Advance Encryption Standard (AES). Encrypted user name and password are used to improve the authentication process with minimum overhead. The server has to maintain three parameters of every user: user name, password, and user’s secret key. This paper proposed a protocol model for preventing SQL Injection attack using AES (PSQLIA-AES).

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Index Terms

Computer Science
Information Sciences


SQL Injection attack Web security authentication AES Secret Key password security