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Efficient Algorithm and Framework for Interesting Patterns Generation for optimization of Association rule mining using genetic Algorithm for Social Networking Sites

by Karuna Nidhi Pandagre, S. Veenadhari
International Journal of Computer Applications
Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
Volume 181 - Number 11
Year of Publication: 2018
Authors: Karuna Nidhi Pandagre, S. Veenadhari

Karuna Nidhi Pandagre, S. Veenadhari . Efficient Algorithm and Framework for Interesting Patterns Generation for optimization of Association rule mining using genetic Algorithm for Social Networking Sites. International Journal of Computer Applications. 181, 11 ( Aug 2018), 21-29. DOI=10.5120/ijca2018917692

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Social Networking (SN) plays an important part in real life because people is already connected in any types of social network like facebook, twitter, linkedin, instagram etc. SN gives a platform to people to share their ideas to each other. Moreover this type of online community, people may share their common interest. SN is a medium of making link with people having unique or common interest and goals. But there are various challenges in SN services. The major challenge is privacy it means keeping your information private isn’t just about your own choices. It’s about your friends’ choices, too. In this article a novel Algorithm proposed for Interesting Patterns Generation (AIPG) and framework for interesting patterns generation from weblog. This approach is also helpful in SN

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